Colonial Wallstone
Colonial Wallstone is snap-edged and blue-grey in color & comes in a variety of thicknesses Thin Colonial Select (1″-3″) and Heavy Colonial (4″-6″). Exceptionally easy to install, relatively flat and uniform in thickness, Colonial Wallstone can be easily combined with other products of similar style. Also available in Red Colonial (red-plum in color).

Pennsylvania Wallstone
PA wallstone is handpicked in the field for uniformity and comes in red, brown and grey colors. These wallstones have a tumbled appearance and comes in a variety of thicknesses including PA Thin Select (1 1/2″ – 2″), Regular PA (1″-4″) and Heavy PA (3″-6″).

Plum Wallstone
Plum Wallstone is a chunky wallstone whose color is just as it sounds – plum.

Tumbled Blue Wallstone
Tumbled Blue Wallstone is a very finished look wallstone similar in appearance to patterned patio bluestone. It is generally a medium to light blue whose edges have been softened in a large tumbler. It is also available in a larger patio size.

West Mountain Wallstone
West Mountain Wallstone is a thicker (4″ – 6″) orange-yellow wallstone that is easy to build. Landings and flagging are also available to complete the look.

Champlain Stone Wallstone
Available in an extensive selection of colors and styles. There is Thin Wall, Uniform Rise Wall as well as standard wall in American Granite, Corinthian Granite, Great Meadow, South Bay Quartzite, Van Tassel Granite and Summit Granite colors. Each color has accompanying step slabs, flagging and boulders to complete the ensemble. Visit Champlain Stone.

Lilac Colonial Wallstone
Tumbled Lilac Wall Stone is Pennsylvania fieldstone; machine tumbled to give it a weathered, rounded appearance. This wallstone has a reddish/burgundy color and ranges in 1″-3″ thickness.

Seneca Wallstone
Seneca Wallstone is an irregular shaped stone that comes in brown, tan and some burned orange hues. Used in retaining walls, decorative gardens and landscape borders. Sizes range from 1″-4″.

South Bay Quartzite Cottage Wallstone
A quarzitic sandstone with an advancing and receding surface that resembles a windswept and sandy beach. Visually smooth, yet heavily textured with a blend of tan, antique white, ice blue, amber, and brown. Sizes range from 3″-5″.

Guillotined Blue Wallstone
Guillotined Blue Thin 2″ wallstone is a blue-grey with saw-cut edges and at least one side is saw cut. It is a very uniform looking wallstone and is also available in a thicker 6″ version.